2008-11-26 Eclipse DemoCamp Munich

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"When Enterprise Search, Wikis & Co. go Eclipse"

Demo given at the third Eclipse DemoCamp Munich.

Since software development projects typically contain lots of digital artifacts and various supporting systems such as Repositories, Issue Trackers and Wikis, searching and accessing this existing information is an important building block. Therefore, TeamWeaver Integrated Search allows to extract information from various software project data sources (e.g. SVN, CVS, Filesystem, Bugzilla, JIRA and various Wikis).

However, certain information - especially episodic "how-to" knowledge - might not be captured within an organization, or hidden on the local machines of certain developers. Therefore, TeamWeaver Integrated search can also be deployed as a kind of Eclipse-based Desktop Search Engine, to access local data of a developer.

On top of this infrastructure, the Inverse Search method tries to provide individual developers with clues which information is sought within an organization, and provides concrete recommendations on local documents which are worth sharing

Finally, it can be useful for developers, to know which colleagues are experienced with a certain library, class or method. To this end, TeamWeaver monitors individual user's coding experience and allows them to share this with their colleagues. Embedded in the Eclipse coding help, developers can quickly recognize, which collegue is knowledgeable about a certain piece of code.

Here is also a copy of our flyer: TeamWeaver general information sheet

This page was last modified on 17 June 2009, at 09:27. This page has been accessed 7,287 times.