
From TeamWeaverWiki

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The Woogle team appreciates feedback that helps to improve Woogle and guide its future development. This page conveys some information to make the feedback process more enjoyable for you as a user and for us developers.

How to send us your suggestions and error reports

We would like you to use our end-user issue tracking system, running at http://octopus13.fzi.de:8080/browse/WMW. Do not worry, when using this simple form-based interface, submitting feedback is just as simple as sending an E-Mail.

However, if you actually prefer sending as an E-Mail, please feel free to do so via File:Email.png. Alternatively, you may consider using the discussion tab of this Wiki page (you will need to create an account for this Wiki before).

How to best report problems and errors

Before sending us your problem, make sure you checked the admin manual and the FAQ (and probably even our development issue tracker), if the problem has been reported/recognized before.

If you want to help us unterstand and fix your errors, you can follow some simple guidelines (also see the instructions at Integrated Search/Feedback if you run WoogleRemote with an Integrated Search backend, and think your problem is related to that):

Please describe as precisely as possible

  • The exact action you were pursuing before the problem occured
  • The behaviour you would have expected from the system
  • The (problematic) behaviour that actually occured
  • If feasible, provide some screenshots of the problem (if your are using Firefox, there is a nice plugin)

Please provide us with some context information about your system setup

  • Operating System, PHP Version, MediaWiki version, Woogle version
  • Most of this information is contained in the following files/screenshots, that might be helpful for us to investigate your case:
    • A screen copy or HTML dump of the Special:WoogleConfig page in your Wiki
    • A screen copy or HTML dump of the Special:Version page in your Wiki
    • A copy of your MediaWiki LocalSettings.php file
    • A zip file containing the log files located in \MediaWiki\extensions\Woogle\logs
  • To find out details about your PHP environment (installed modules etc.) the easiest way is to create and subsequently open a file info.php in your webserver root directory with the following content:

This page was last modified on 21 May 2010, at 12:45. This page has been accessed 19,446 times.