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This page provides a list of frequently asked querstions concerning Woogle4MediaWiki from the perspective of different roles.

If you have additional questions not yet satisfied here, edit the "talk" discussion page on top of this page, see our support page, use Special:WoogleFeedback or contact us directly.


Decider questions

What can Woogle do? Is it suited for my particular problem setting?

see decider manual

How does Woogle relate/compare to existing search extensions in MediaWiki?

see decider manual

Where can I see a demo site running Woogle?

Besides using Woogle for searching this Wiki which you are currently browsing, we have set up a dedicated demo system at http://amazonas.fzi.de/wooglenative/ which you can try.

Can I search multiple MediaWiki instances with Woogle?

Yes, with the WoogleRemote setup, you can search an arbitrary number of MediaWikis and even many more Wiki engines. See decider manual for details.

How much effort/expertise is required to set up Woogle in my environment?

see decider manual

How does Woogle perform/which data volumes are supported/which hardware is required?

see decider manual

Which languages are supported by Woogle?

The Woogle user interface dialogs are currently provided in English and German language. Adding translations for other lannguages is easy and requires to translate approximately 200 short text snippets.

Is there commercial support for Woogle4MediaWiki?

As a research instution, we currently do not offer explicit commercial support for our tools. However, depending on your problem setting, we might assist you on a project basis or direct you to one of our partner companies which might be able to offer long-term support. Contact us for further information.

Does Woogle have support for Semantic MediaWiki?

Not yet, but support is planned for the future. See Woogle4MediaWiki/Roadmap.

Administrator questions

How can I crawl/search multiple MediaWiki instance with Woogle?

Using WoogleRemote you can search an arbitray number of Wiki instances. Directly supported systems are currently MediaWiki, Confluence, JSPWiki and FosWiki. Any other Wiki can probably be crawled with our generic Web crawler.

Problem: Woogle results have a wrong URL prefix

If the search results start with a wrong URL (e.g. "http://localhost/index.php/Page" or "http://myhost.mynetwork/index.php/Page") instead of a desired "http://www.mydomain.com/index.php/Page", you probably should explicitly set the $wgServer parameter [1] in your MediaWiki LocalSettings.php. Make sure to re-create the Woogle index afterwards.

Problem: After installing Woogle, a white/blank page appears when opening the Wiki

  • increase memory limit
  • check webserver log (apache\logs\error.log for Apache)
  • error logging

User questions

What features does Woogle offer to users?

see Special:WoogleHelp and/or the user manual

What data does Woogle log about its users?

see Woogle4MediaWiki/Privacy

Developer questions

How can I contribute to Woogle4MediaWiki development?

We have plenty of ideas for improving Woogle. If you would like to help us out or work on own ideas, please do not hesitate to contact us.

This page was last modified on 29 April 2010, at 08:03. This page has been accessed 22,541 times.