Main PageFrom TeamWeaverWikiWelcome to the TeamWeaver Web!
Core features of TeamWeaver are Information access (search and assistance), need-driven knowledge sharing, automatic creating of context knowledge by user observation, lightweight "wiki-style" authoring and metadata storage with semantic technologies. News and Events
CommunicationYou may want to subscribe to one of our TeamWeaver Mailinglists. Source code
AknowledgementsTeamWeaver development is funded by the European Commission within the project "TEAM" (IST 35111), the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research within the project "Waves" and the Landesstiftung Baden-Württemberg Foundation within the project "GlobaliSE". Partners contributing to TeamWeaver involve FZI Karlsruhe, Technische Universität München, ICCS Greece and EPFL Lausanne. We kindly thank Polarion Software for offering us support and hosting. ContactIf you are interested to use or contribute to TeamWeaver please send us an email at
This page is hosted by FZI Research Center for Information Technologies, Karlsruhe, Germany. Contact for inquiries: Hans-Joerg Happel (lastname@fzi.de).